About USRC
History of the Organization
The Upper Shore Regional Council (USRC) was created in October, 2003 (Chapter 100, Acts of 2003). The Council is a regional planning and development agency for Cecil, Kent, and Queen Anne’s counties. The Upper Shore Region is home to over 1,400 farms that are preserving the land and the rural character the region. These farms encompass more than 360,000 acres, and produce sales of over $294 million. We exist to foster the physical, economic and social development of the region. For the development of the area’s human and economic resources, the Council initiates and coordinates plans and projects.
The Council is comprised of seventeen voting members. These include three commissioners, appointed by their county governing bodies; one municipal elected official, appointed by their municipal corporations, from each of Cecil, Kent and Queen Anne's counties; and those members of the General Assembly who have the major portion of their legislative election district in the region. In addition, the county administrators and remaining county commissioners from each of the three member counties, as well as the remaining legislators who represent the region serve as nonvoting ex officio members.
The Upper Shore Regional Council just completed an extensive work project, which took place over a number of months, with Dr. David Kolzow, Econ. Dev. expert and trainer for the International Economic Development Council. The work resulted in a 2-3 year strategic plan for the Council. To view the 7-Point USRC strategy, please click here.
The Upper Shore Regional Council has been a part of the following regional projects, among others:
Public Regional Transportation
Small Business Growth and Economic Development
Agriculture/Resource-based and Value-Added Industries Development
Maryland Broadband (creation and expansion)
The Upper Shore Regional Council is a part of a team and network of Regional Councils. There are 5 Regional Councils in Maryland:
1. Upper Shore Regional Council
2. Tri-County Council for Southern Maryland
3. Tri-County Council for Western Maryland
4. Tri-County Council for the Lower Eastern Shore of Maryland
Since each Regional Council supports three counties, 15 of Maryland’s total 23 counties are represented by Councils.