Strategic Plan
The Upper Shore Regional Council just completed an extensive work project, which took place over a number of months, with Dr. David Kolzow, Econ. Dev. expert and trainer for the International Economic Development Council. The work resulted in a 2-3 year strategic plan for the Council. The USRC 2013-2015 Strategic Plan encompasses seven overarching goals for the future, as outlined below.
Feel free to contact the USRC for details regarding performance measures, timelines, measurement frequencies and accountable staff or partners.
To download a PDF copy of the complete strategic plan, please click here. If you would like to learn more about the process behind the creation of the plan, please visit our , featuring videos of a meeting with Dr. Kolzow on December 14.
Click on each goal header to expand a list of specific action items for that goal.
1. Broadband/High Speed Internet Services
1.1: Explore USDA Grants and Loans
1.2: Conduct Broadband Survey
1:3 Assess feasible alternatives to completing the “last mile” in the Upper Shore Region
2. Workforce Enhancement
2.1: Inventory workforce training programs and assets in the region
2.2: Survey Business/Industry to assess workforce needs
2.3: Form a Workforce Talent Coalition
2.4: Analyze actions and determine areas of improvement
2.5: Set benchmarks to measure success
2.6: Determine amounts and sources of funding
2.7: Market the training and education programs
2.8: Obtain feedback on quality and effectiveness
2.9: Investigate and report on Retiree Talent Pool Program
2.10:Analyze results and feedback
3. Planning for Growth and Development
3.1: Solidify planning Coalition
3.2: Identify policies of impact on local region
3.3: Research and recommend needed sustainable growth local policies
3.4: Develop educational program for public
4. Regional Strategic Plan
4.1: Develop regional strategic plan
5. Regional Marketing Plan
5.1: Determine effective and appropriate attraction image for region
5.2: Identify likely sectors for new or expanded business to/in region
5.3: Work to modify policies that present barriers to agribusiness
5.4: Obtain funding for research related to emerging region-appropriate agribusinesses
5.5:Continue representation on RMC and pursue grant requests and awards via MAERDAF and USDA
5.6: Obtain funding for gap-analysis and needs assessment of the regional agriculture industry
5.7: Create web-based inventory of sites for business attraction and expansion
5.8: Review existing website and determine its effectiveness
5.9: Develop marketing plan
5.10: Plan joint site selection regional visits with other Shore Regional Councils
6. Retention and Attraction of Young Populations to the Region
6.1: Create Young Professional networking group
6.2: Develop structured process for leadership development for young workers
6.3: Inventory quality rental housing availability for young professionals
6.4: Establish “Welcome Home to the Upper Shore” campaign to retain young adults in the region
6.5: Conduct study and plan for creating a youth technology incubator
6.6: Establish a mentor network to enhance youth career opportunities
6.7: Develop/expand student internships and apprenticeships
6.8: Find funding sources to internships and apprenticeships initiatives
6.9: Poll young adults to create retention enhancement strategies
7. USRC is meeting its goals and opportunities
7.1: Investigate potential and need for a foundational affiliate
7.2: Evaluate USRC future staffing needs
7.3: Develop outreach strategies for educating the public regarding USRC
7.4: Create expert resource-focused advisory board for USRC
7.5: Attend business functions in each county
7.6: Function actively with the Rural MD Council and the MD Dept. of Planning
7.7: Carefully evaluate need for activities beyond the scope of strategic plan and adjust plan accordingly
7.8:Institute project management system
7.9: Assess technology and systems/processes and needs
7.10: Provide regional data and technology consultation services
7.11: Prepare strategic benchmark reports